Raw & Polished – a chance to show your piece in front of an audience with stage lights – 10 min. max.

Where: Tanzzentrale, 90763 Fürth, Germany

When: Sunday April 27th, 2025 – 6PM

Deadline for applications: March 6th, 2025

Open Presentation Platform for Dance.
The evening takes place two times a year and invites dance-makers to present work in progress as well as finished works or excerpts thereof with theatre lights in front of an audience. Choreographic, as well as improvisational, structures can underlie the work.
In the main hall of Tanzzentrale, several presentations, each up to 10 minutes in length, are shown in two blocks, parted by an intermission, with a maximum total playing time of 90 minutes.
Following the showing, an artist talk will be moderated, giving the audience and the artists the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers.
After that, everyone is welcome to stay for a chat or drink, allowing further exchange.
The performing artists receive a video and photos of their performance.
It should be noted that while there is a good setup for lights and sound, a strong beamer, and a 9×10 meter performance space with black dance-floor, it is not a theatre and there is a limit to what can be done technically. Also, be aware that each artist has 45 min. time to set up lights and rehearse, no more.
Also, the evening is organized on a voluntary basis with no financial subsidy or gain and there is NO fee and NO budget for traveling or other expenses for the artists. If you find that the opportunity to present your work, the feedback round, the video and the photos is a good deal for you, you are very welcome to apply.
Dates 2025: Sunday April 27th & October 12th, 6 PM

Location: Tanzzentrale, Kaiserstraße 177, 90763 Fürth, Germany,
stairway B / 2nd floor

How to apply:
The deadline is 6th of March 2025 but the slots are given on a first-come-first-serve basis so please send your application now to:

Henrik Kaalund & Anne Devries
(contact persons / organizers)
Email: rawandpolished@gmail.com

Contact details:
Henrik Kaalund & Anne Devries (contact persons / organizers)
Email: rawandpolished@gmail.com

For further information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/RawAndPolished

For more RESIDENCIES, please visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/residencies/