Experience SEAD in a one-week workshop: daily morning classes in somatic practice, contemporary and ballet techniques, followed by an afternoon creative practice taught by SEAD faculty.

Where: Salzburg, Austria

When: 1-5.07.2024; 12.-17.8.2024; 19.-24.8.2024; 26.-31.8.2024

Our aim for the movementors workshop series is to provide a format that will be inspiring, supportive, and informative, giving students very practical skills and sound advice so that they can continue on their way in dance, surefooted and clear about what they need to focus on in order to progress as dancers. We also aim to offer an affordable workshop in a small group setting, where you can be in close communication with the teachers with individualized coaching and mentoring. movementors dance intensive is also highly recommended as a preparation for those who want to apply for SEAD’s Auditions 2025. Participants should have intermediate dance skills and adequate physical fitness in order to follow the intense pace of the workshop (7 hours daily physical/performative practice).  Suitable for people 16 years of age or older – please mind that minors must have a written consent from a parent or a legal guardian.

How to register:
Online registration here: https://booking.sead.at/produkt/bodhi-project-dance-intensive-workshop-2024/?preview=true

Costs for participants: 490-540€

Contact details:
SEAD Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance GmbH
Schallmooser Hauptstraße 48a, A-5020 Salzburg
Tel: +43-(0)662-624 635
Email: info@sead.at

For further information, please visit https://www.sead.at/index.php/kurse/anmeldung

For more dance INTENSIVES, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/dance-intensives/