A practical workshop for teaching artists and teachers looking at developing appropriate dance content and progression of learning to support senior learners and their physical and mental wellbeing (age 65-90+ years).
Professor: Clare Guss-West, dance and health specialist.
Where: Liège, Belgium
When: September 23, 2023
Deadline for applications: September 22, 2023
Discover teaching strategies to enable enhanced physical movement, range of motion, balance, fluidity and improved stamina for senior dancers
– Develop the attention and focus capacity of seniors through optimal cueing language that facilitates movement skills learning for all publics.
– Structure progression of learning and dance content to promote brain health and increase cognitive reserve at any age – warding off dementia
– Introducing and progressing creative improvisation to challenge reaction time, executive choice function and periphery vision – components of falling
– Building courage and risk taking through dance
How to register: https://www.annualconference.quand-on-danse.org/en/event/workshop-dance-health-and-aging-2023-09-23-83/register
Costs for participants: 60 euros
Contact details:
Mosa Ballet School
Place St Paul 14
4000 Liège
+32 (0)4 325 18 00
For further information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/quandondansemosa
For more dance WORKSHOPS, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/workshop/