A.F.I. WORKSHOPS 2024/2025
Workshop by Marigia Maggipinto from Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch

Where: Art Factory International at via della Casa Buia 4/A Bologna 40129 Italy

When: 16th and 17th November, time: 10am to3pm

Deadline for applications: 12th November 2024

Maria Maggipinto began her professional career with the ballet company in the Foundation Niccolo’ Piccinni (J. De Min / Roberto Fascilla). In 1985 participated in the international tour with the dance company of “Danzatori Scalzi” of Rome, takes part in the movie ” Il Giovane Toscanini ” of F. Zeffirelli. She studied in Rome with Viola Faber, Libby Ney (tecn. Limon) Andre’Peck, Roberta Garrison (tecn. Cunningham), Richard Haisma (Nikolais) Mudra (Bejart), Matt Mattox (Jazz) e Martha Graham. She participates in the creation of the performance by Giorgio Rossi (Stop Palmizi / Carolin Carlson) at the Festival of Polverigi. She studies the techniques of Jean Cebron (composition / improvisation), Hans Zullig (tecn. Joss) at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen (directed by Pina Bausch). She danced with Pina Bausch in 14 different choreography and participated in the new creations of the German choreographer: Tanzabend II (’92), Schiff (’93), Trauerspiel(’94), Danzon(’95) and Fensterputzer(’97). Leaving the company in 1999 but later returned as a guest participating in the festival Tanzteather (2000, 2001, 2002).
In the United States participated in the creation of a theatral work with the company Mutation Theater Project, and teached in the faculty of “American Dance Festival” at Duke University (2003/2005). She works with Emilia Romagna Teatro (ERT) in the performance directed by Pippo Delbono, “Dopo la Battaglia”, winner of the UBU Prize as the best 2011 Italian theater performance.
She works in collaboration with Pina Bausch Foundation giving workshops in occasion of two big expositions dedicated to Pina at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn and at the Gropius Bau in Berlin.
She create a solo in a project/ residence, sponsored by circo Vertigo in Turin by the title “ two but not two “ (2019) And her last work directed by Chiara Frigo “Miss Lala al circo Fernando Production of Opera Estate festival Bassano del grappa and Zebra culture zoo. (2021)

How to register: please send email to artfactoryinternational@gmail.com

Workshop participation is limited

Costs for participants: 95€

Contact details:
Art Factory International at via della Casa Buia 4/A Bologna 40129 Italy

For further information, please visit https://fb.me/e/2lQN9LqnA

For more dance WORKSHOPS, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/workshop/