Feldenkrais® is a somatic technique that uses touch, movement and directed attention to restore wellbeing and healthy functioning. It enables you to become aware of habitual neuromuscular patterns and rigidities and learn to move in new ways, increasing range of motion and improving flexibility and coordination.

Where: Seyir Muzik Studio, Brussels (Belgium)

When: 15 April – 5 May, 2024

Private sessions of Functional Integration® are designed to meet your personal needs. Communicating through touch and movement in addition to words, the teacher guides you in a one-on-one process of self-discovery.

Lying on a table, or in a sitting or standing position, you are led along movement sequences that will help you expand the self-image and enable you to include more of yourself in your movements.

After experiencing Feldenkrais® lessons, people often express feelings of relaxation and ease. They may breathe more freely and find their thoughts have more clarity. The learning process is full of pleasant surprises and personal breakthroughs.

The Feldenkrais Method is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think, and feel.

How Does the Feldenkrais Method Differ from Massage and Chiropractic?

While all of these practices touch people, the Feldenkrais Method is very different. In massage, the practitioner is working directly with the muscles, in chiropractic, with the bones. These are structural approaches that seek to affect change through changes in structure (muscles and spine).

The Feldenkrais Method works with your ability to regulate and coordinate your movement, which means working with the nervous system and the whole person.

How to apply: https://www.feldenkraiswithjen.com/store/4-individual-sessions-hlyz2

Costs for participants: 70 euros (1 session) | 240 euros (4 sessions)

Contact details:
e-mail: info@feldenkraiswithjen.com | Phone number: +34 600 756 755

For further information, please visit http://www.feldenkraiswithjen.com

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