Call is open for Corpo Mobile festival – a choreographic platform to be held in Rome, is aimed at beginning artists, individuals engaged in new research paths.
Where: Teatrocittà- Torrespaccata center for theatrical and musical research, Rome (IT)
When: April 20 and 21, 2024
Deadline for applications: 11:00 p.m. on 02/28/2024
The call is open for Corpo Mobile – a choreographic platform to be held in Rome, at Teatrocittà- Torrespaccata center for theatrical and musical research, on the weekend of April 20 and 21, 2024.
This seventh edition is aimed at beginning artists, newly formed groups, individuals engaged in new research paths. Choreographic creations of up to 15 minutes (10 min max for soloists), in the form of work in progress, performances, dance shows, by professional artists and companies in the field are sought.
The organizing committee of Corpo Mobile this year has decided to assign a theme, which is only meant to be a guideline for the festival’s theatrical and choreographic research, choosing “Emersions” as the subtitle of this seventh edition.
Emersióne s. f. [from late Latin emersio -onis]. – Emergence, coming to the surface, reappearing outside. With special sign. a. Maneuver by which a submerged underwater unit comes afloat, either partially or completely, i.e., taking its normal navigational attitude at the surface. b. In geology, the phenomenon whereby land initially lying below sea level gradually comes to rise, until it rises above the sea surface, either by actual tectonic uplift or by a lowering of the sea level. c. In astronomy, the reappearance of a star that was eclipsed or occulted by another.
To apply:
– fill out the online format at by 11:00 p.m. on 02/28/2024
– send to : copy of signed regulation, 2 scene photos (1 horizontal, 1 vertical)
Contact details:
For info send an email to
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