Merging Into Matter Body Weather / Butoh Research in Potsdam, Germany.
Where: Studiohaus: Studio 1 Schiffbauergasse 4G, 14467 Potsdam, Germany
Fr. 28.03.2025 17.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Sa. 29.03.2025 10.00 – 17.00 Uhr
So. 30.03.2025 10.00 – 17.00 Uhr
Early bird deadline till 24.2
Let us consider dance as an act of listening : one’s attention flows inward, through the different layers of the body, and outward, toward the environment. We develop receptivity through movement. Weaving
together sensory perception and imagination, our dancing body plays with the elasticity of time and questions the limits between dream and reality, between animate and inanimate worlds.
We seek a point of contact with the earth to amplify sensations, to inform and re-situate the body, helping us to feel: skin envelope, marrow of bones, pulsation of heart. We lengthen our nerves beyond the clothing
of the skin and open our perception of the “living space” that surrounds us. Permeable and awake, a new body-map unfolds.
We change perspective, change scale, and follow the invitation to become Other. Tasting such a delicious confusion, our body merges pleasantly into matter. Crystals of sugar sigh and dissolve into the tea; ice
nervously cracks; water vapor condenses on the face of the stone; smoke wanders lazily across the wool of the pullover. A human being rediscovers relation to his material cousins. Untamed existences, moving
beyond or falling short of expression: our daily training will be through acts of metamorphosis.
The workshop is open to dancers, actors, poets, visual artists and all others who wish to wander through the interior spaces of the body. The workshop is guided in English, with German translation if necessary.
Each day, an intensive warm-up connects us : to the place, to the group, to our sensations, to our breath and our voice. Through this tuning ritual, we awaken the physical structure, as much as the imagination and the perception. The day continues with different propositions of movement research (individual or with
partners). These experiences are guided by a poetic language that transforms our physicality, through a particular relationship to touch, or through developing our connection to an object or environment.
How to register:
+49 (0)176 211 85 145
Costs for participants:
Early-bird (before 24. 02.25) 150€ Normal / 120€ reduction for students
After the early-bird deadline 180€ Normal / 150€ reduction for students
For those who wish to contribute more 210€
Contact details:
+49 (0)176 211 85 145
Ephia Gburek
Instagram @ephiagburek)
For further information, please visit
For more dance WORKSHOPS, visit