Komoco is glad to announce “Komoco Summer Intensive 2024” –– the dance company’s fourth official 5 days workshop. Classes will take place in Florence, where the company is based, at P.A.R.C Performing Arts Research Center. Throughout the week, selected dancers will have the opportunity to study with Komoco’s choreographer and artistic director Sofia Nappi and the company’s dancers.

Where: P.A.R.C. Performing Arts Research Center, Piazzale Delle Cascine, 7, 50144, Florence, Italy / WWW.PARCFIRENZE.NET

When: From 10th to 14th of July, 2024

Deadline for applications: Applications will be  processed ON THE FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED BASIS.
Each applicant will be contacted shortly after submitting the required material (CV+video) and will be informed on the final result (admitted/not admitted).

Description of opportunity:
Classes will focus on learning and understanding the Komoco language through research, while repertoire classes will be an opportunity to immerse yourself in the creations of the company with the original dancers and Sofia Nappi herself, for a taste of her creative vision. There will be a sharing of the work done during the 5 days in the studio on the last day of Intensive.

It is an opportunity for the company and the choreographer to meet new artists, with the possibility of establishing future collaborations.

The workshop is aimed at professional dancers. We welcome people of all gender identities and expressions, cultural backgrounds and countries of origin.

PARTICIPATION IS BY INVITATION ONLY FOR UP TO 50 DANCERS divided into 2 groups (morning session/ afternoon session).

How to apply:
To apply: send your Curriculum max 1 page, short improvisation video max 2 minutes (only a video link from YouTube/VIMEO) to komoco.intensive@gmail.com with subject “KC Summer Intensive 2024 + your name and last name”.

Costs for participants:
Special Price: 290€ for the first 20 successful applicants  Full price: 350€

Contact details: komoco.intensive@gmail.com

For further information, please visit https://www.komocodance.com

For more dance INTENSIVES, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/dance-intensives/