The dance company CORNELIA is looking for a professional (or agency) working in the field of distribution and promotion of dance performances outside Italy.
Where: online
Deadline for applications: 20 February 2024
The dance company CORNELIA is looking for a professional (or agency) working in the field of distribution and promotion of dance performances outside Italy. A one-year (renewable) part-time contract is offered following the Italian salary parameters (National Collective Labour Agreement). The position will be executed in smart working mode with the possibility of live meetings.
– Passion and dedication
– English speaker
– Management experience in the field of dance
– Knowledge of the current panorama in the field of programming in traditional and unconventional theatres, festivals and cultural events
The selection will be determined by the artistic and ethical affinities that the company members find with the applicants.
To apply, please fill in the form.
The deadline is scheduled on 20 February 2024.
How to apply:
Contact details:
For further information, please visit
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