Join the one-week session with James Finnemore, 5 days included in the NOD International Contemporary Dance Program and only open to 5 external dancers.
Apply now!

Where: NOD Nuova Officina della Danza, Via Mantova 34 Torino – Italy

When: January 13 – 17, 2025

Deadline for applications: As long as there is space. First come first serves

We will begin with guided improvisation; the focus will be on inhabiting a full, available body whilst maintaining a sense of economy and sustainability. Together we will then begin to build simple phrases that aim to help you apply the ideas discovered through the guided improvisation to set movement material.
As the workshop progresses we will move away from simplicity and as we construct more material we will search for increasing levels of texture, mobility, complexity, dexterity and rhythm.

As a dancer, James has extensive touring and performance experience through working with Hofesh Shechter Company, Carte Blanche, Olivier Dubois, Gary Clarke Company and most recently as a performing
Rehearsal Director with Punchdrunk. Alongside this, James has taught at various institutions and dance companies, delivering workshops and re-staging Hofesh Shechter’s repertoire.

As a choreographer James has worked on a number of different projects,
most notably developing and presenting his own full length work TERRA, through his associateship at The Point and as part of The Place’s Hot house project.

How to apply:
In order to apply, please upload your CV together with two separate links – one showcasing yourself in an improvisation session ( 1 minute – 1 take ). Only Vimeo or YouTube links filling out the Google doc
form to the link

Costs for participants: for info about costs visit NOD Website

Contact details: Silvana

For further information, please visit

For more dance WORKSHOPS, visit