Today’s tip is on how to encourage the best response for your notice when published on Dancing Opportunities. We love helping organizations and dancers connect and work together. That is why we would like to give you guidance on how to write your opportunity to encourage the best response.

How to make your opportunity stand out on Dancing Opportunities’ website:

1. Get straight to the point. People tend to scan the first few lines before deciding to read further.

2. Keep it clear. Answer the questions Who, What, When, Where & Why (Share the benefits for the attendees of your program, workshop, etc.).

3. Add an image to present the information in the best way (mandatory). The less text the image has the better. Consider using a different image design for the web than you would for posters, leaflets, online advertisements, etc.
The submitted image should be horizontal / landscape format with dimensions 960 x 540px and size not bigger than 65 KB to be added to the notice. Allowed types jpg, jpeg, png.
On how to adjust your image to fit the requirements visit

4. Add your Website address or at least a Facebook Page (mandatory). This adds credibility to your opportunity.

5. Don’t use CAPS (all capital letters) in your text. An exception can be made if the Company’s logo requires it.

To submit your notice visit

Learn more about our special BANNER OFFER to promote your summer intensive and dance programmes: