Intensive workshop series in Berlin. Practices to awaken and develop individual creativity and the performative body based on the Resonant Body® Training. 

Where: Berlin, Germany

When: 15.02 / 15.03 / 03.05

Deadline for applications: 15.2. 2025

Practices to awaken and develop individual creativity and the performative body based on the Resonant Body® Training. 

With Ana Kavalis

15.02 Moving the Breath: Work based on the relationship between breath, sound, and movement.

15.03 Exhaling the mind: Work on the relationship between language and movement, exploring multilingualism and the embodied aspects of language.

03.05 Voice Landscapes and Sonic Bodies : Work on choral practices, deep listening, and collective action. 

Open level

Each workshop can be visited individually.

Time: 10 am – 4 pm

Place: Studio 2 ITI, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Language: English/ German/ Spanish

Costs for participants:

One workshop: 80 €
reduced*: 70 €
Early bird**: 65 €

Two workshops: 140 €
reduced* : 130 €
early bird**: 125 €

Workshop serie: 200 €
reduced*: 180 €
early bird** : 170 €

*students, unemployeds and refugees
** early bird till 20.1

How to register:

Contact details:
Ana Kavalis

For further information, visit

For more dance INTENSIVES, visit