Why teach ballet in Erbil?
Teaching ballet at The Fig Club means being part of the only arts program that offers professional ballet dance training in Erbil. If you want to be part of a team of pioneers in ballet dance and the arts community, teaching ballet at The Fig Club is the perfect place.
The Fig Club has been the first to offer RAD ballet training in the country and is one of the few places that puts together musical productions to an international standard.
Where: Erbil, Iraq
When: September 2024
Deadline for applications: January 2024
Teaching and inspiring the young dancers in Erbil is part of something bigger than just teaching dance skills to kids. In leading classes here you are introducing a whole new world to the students. By teaching at The Fig Club you are part of the efforts to bring the global dance community to the city of Erbil and to Kurdistan. Our mission is to bring to attention the importance of extracurricular experience that is commonplace in other parts of the world to be well known here in Erbil.
If you don’t know much about Erbil or the Kurdistan region, I advise you to do a bit of research to see for yourself. The Kurdistan Region (of Northern Iraq) is completely different from the southern Federal Iraq. Erbil is full of expats who enjoy a comfortable life.
Here’s a great blog from a solo female traveler about the safety of traveling in Kurdistan as well as what beautiful sites there are around the
How to apply:
Please email sophia@thefigclub.com or call me on my English number 07768971095
Contact details:
For further information, please visit http://www.thefigclub.com