‘Graham For Europe’ Fall Intensive in Paris: Graham, from Technique to Choreography. Taught by Kim Jones (guest USA) & Rafael Molina.
Where: Micadanses, Paris, France
When: October 28 – November 1
This 5-days intensive includes a daily Graham Technique class, a Choreographic Workshop and a workshop introducing Graham fundamental principles.
It will be taught by our guest Kim Jones, Associate Professor in Dance at UNC Charlotte (USA), Régisseur for the Martha Graham Center, and Artistic Director of Movement Migration as well as Rafael Molina, our Artistic Director.
How to register:
You can sign up here: g4eu.fr/Tickets_Intensives24-25
Costs for participants: 250 € early bird
Contact details:
+33 6 59 16 61 74
For further information, please visit https://www.grahamforeurope.com/fall-intensive
For more dance INTENSIVES, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/dance-intensives/