The call for submissions is open until February 18th. Elephant In The Black Box is launching its inaugural residency program aimed at supporting the creation and dissemination of dance, targeted towards choreographers focused on contemporary styles and emerging trends. Under the artistic direction of Jean Philippe Dury, our company will provide selected individuals with extensive workspace, financial support, subsequent visibility of their works, as well as human and technical resources to facilitate the development of choreographic proposals.

Where: Madrid, Spain

When: 2024/ 2025

Deadline for applications: 28. 02 .2024

¿Te interesa?

Estaremos encantados de recibir tu propuesta. Lee atentamente las bases de inscripción que encontrarás haciendo clic en el siguiente botón, donde encontrarás todos los detalles sobre las características de las residencias, sus beneficios para ti y los requisitos y documentos a aportar.
Después, rellena el formulario de inscripción para inscribirte a la convocatoria.

How to apply:

Contact details:

For further information, please visit