CENTRIFUGE is a choreographic hub for promising dancemakers to engage with renowned guest artists and collaborate with professional dancers.

Where: New York City, New York, USA

When: Januray 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 2025

Deadline for applications: 12/30/24

In each CENTRIFUGE session choreographers are introduced to new tools, prompts, and perspectives to inform their dance-making practice and get to try these out in making movement material on the spot, under a serious time crunch, and work with dancers to test out their material.
Makers apply, Dancers drop in.
Join this vibrant community where long-lasting connections are made and take your practice to the next level by surrounding your self with fresh artistry,

Januray Guest Artists:
OMRI DRUMLEVICH (1/18, 1/25)

How to apply:
Apply by submitting an online application form here: https://form.jotform.com/242335050340139

If you are a dancer come and collaborate with the cohort of makers by simply dropping in during the following times ($30 per session):
1/4- 12-4 pm with MAXINE DOYLE
1/11- 2-4 pm with ISADORA WOLFE
1/18, 1/25- 2-4 pm with OMRI DRUMLEVICH

Costs for participants:
MAKERS: $325 (weekly 4 hour long sessions, 4 consecutive weeks)

Contact details: Omridru@gmail.com

For further information, please visit https://www.blisspointmovement.com/centrifuge

For more dance INTENSIVES, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/dance-intensives/