Looking to cast 8 femme identifying movers of all ages for opera-based in person event in Hudson, NY on October 16th 2021.

Where: Hudson, NY

When: Oct 16 2021

Deadline for applications: Aug 30th

Rehearsals would occur at the venue in the two weeks leading up to the event. This is a paid event, fee based on experience and role cast. Housing is available.
*Please note that in order to participate in this project you must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

We will be prioritizing artists within either of the following categories: local to Hudson Valley, Hudson, Albany, or New York, NY AND/OR differently abled, indigenous, POC, LGBTQ and other members of culturally or systemically marginalized demographics

Please submit the google form with materials for video audition by August 30th, 2021. Call backs will be in person (accessibility exceptions available) the second week in September, 2021.

Links can be from Vimeo or Youtube, please ensure to provide us with the password if your video is private.

To apply, fill in the online form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJwQPbLIGRi4d_0lXzXnMYYw9wcOf8ns8UOe3dksPgrFk50w/viewform?usp=sf_link

For more dance AUDITIONS, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/auditions/