C10 invites International Choreographers under25 to submit their solos or duets for the First edition of C10 Fest.

Where: Piacenza, Italy

When: 29 and 30 March 2025

Deadline for applications: 15 February 2025

C10 Fest is thrilled to announce the first open call for Choreographer under 25.
Submit your solo or duet before the 15/02/2025!

Six choreographers will be choose from our Jury and invited to Piacenza to show their piece.
You  can apply with:
–       A solo dance piece which is both conceived and choreographed by the performing dancer
–       A duet, which is both conceived and choreographed by the performing dancers

The festival will provide each artist with accommodation throughout the duration of the event and  will cover part of the travel costs up to €100.

The jury will be composed from dance experts and Festival Directors.

The prizes are :
-Residency throughout the 2025 season
-Invitation to renowned Italian festivals
-Commission for new productions with national company and young company. 

and more…

How to apply:
– CV of the Choreographer (with photo and complete contact details)
– Full video link to the dance piece you are applying with. Only Youtube and Vimeo links will be accepted. Be aware of providing us with a valid password if the video is private.
        • duration: max. 15 minutes
– 2 pictures of the piece
– A short description of the piece

Costs for participants:
free for participants

Contact details:
Send your application to: info@collettivodieci.it

For any further informations:
+39 3209605385

For further information, please visit https://www.instagram.com/_collettivodieci_/profilecard/?igsh=MWpsYzFycjMwMThncQ==

Find more DANCE PROGRAMMES here https://dancingopportunities.com/category/dance-programs/