Alexandre Magazine welcome short films, editorials and music that celebrate the beauty of dance that could be shown on our magazine with your short interview and profile.

Where: Online / On the website of Alexandre Magazine

When: We are permanently welcoming submissions.

There are no deadlines, we welcome applications anytime.

We welcome submissions which are creations such as short films, editorials and music that celebrate the beauty of dance.
We want to see works that have an element of discovery.
All ages and forms of expression are welcome.

ALEXANDRE films, editorials and music are :

Creations that celebrate the beauty of dance.

Completed as one piece of artwork.

Show your obsessed dance and art world.

A story that moves the audience.

How to apply: please send us your works with a short description and etc  using our contact form

No fees are necessary to submit your works and participate on our magazine.

Contact details:
For further information, please visit .

For more OPEN CALLS, please visit