A Dance Mag invites writers, dancers, and dance enthusiasts to contribute to its two upcoming issues. Issue 4 is themed Structure and issue 5 is themed Flow.

Where: Online

When: Summer 2024

Deadline for applications: January 25, 2024

A Dance Mag is an independent print magazine about dance in all its forms and flows. It encourages a narrative approach to writing about dance, believing that storytelling highlights the impact of the dance experience on our lives and views.

Each issue of the magazine begins with a specific dance experience and moves on to explore a universe of histories, rituals, techniques, and narratives related to that experience.

Inspired by specific bodily practices, the upcoming issues are themed Structure and Flow.

The Structure issue wishes to explore the subtle yet omnipresent relationship that ties dance to structures, be it physical, social, cultural, or political. We want to look at how dance is both informed by these structures and exerts its influence upon them.
You can find the detailed call and guidelines at https://www.adancemag.com/call-for-contributors-structure

While the Flow issue aims to explore states of Flow. How often do we find ourselves in a state of “Flow” when we dance? What obstacles hinder our access to this state? Do states of “Flow” experienced in dance extend to other areas and aspects of life? How does the regular experience of “Flow” impact our personalities, routines, relationships with others, and overall outlook on life?
You can find the detailed call and guidelines at https://www.adancemag.com/call-for-contributors-flow

How to apply:
Please send an Expression of Interest with a synopsis of your story to editorial@adancemag.com with the subject line: Submission to Structure OR Flow by December 25, 2023. A full draft of your story will be expected by January 25, 2024.

For more OPEN CALLS, please visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/open-calls/