2 Day Pina Bausch Repertory Lab workshop with former member Stephanie Troyak– a chance to learn and dive deep into Pina Bausch’s iconic rep from “Sacre” and theatrical tanztheater excerpts from various pieces.

Where: Stomping Ground, LA, USA

When: Sept 20-21 2024, 5-9pm

Dive deep into the repertory of the legendary Pina Bausch! With iconic works such as Rite of Spring or “Sacre” participants will have the chance to learn rep from Pina’s master works with former member Stephanie Troyak.
Stephanie will teach rep and incorporate dance theater techniques & elements from Pina’s works to give participants a glimpse into the world of “Tanztheater.”  The workshop will culminate with an informal sharing of all material learned. Please bring a skirt/dress or heels if desired.

How to register:

Or visit @stompinggroundla or @stephtroyak for links

Costs for participants: €245

Contact details:
Contact stephanietroyak@gmail.com for any questions. If any dancer is in financial need please reach out for assistance.

For further information, please visit https://www.stompinggroundla.org/events/pina-bausch-rep-workshop-w-stephanie-troyak

For more dance WORKSHOPS, visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/workshop/